Thursday, October 8, 2009

2012 Intuitions

There seems to be a need for a take on 2012 which moves away from thinking about what may happen in December of that year, and towards thinking about what will no longer be ABLE to happen from that date 'moving forward', so to speak. The perfect irony here is that the illusion of moving forward will become increasingly revealed (Revelation, or 'Apocalypse') with the so-called 'end of time' more precisely being the end of LINEAR time, with all of its ramifications for the world. The fracturing of the matrix programming (no longer able to be 're-booted') will truly clarify the instruction which teaches not to become 'married to the world'.

As for the various Yogi 'bliss-masters', as I call them, I would be wary of them in a certain respect. While I can appreciate the general message of getting in touch with your bliss, and referring to the physical body as an 'illusional shadow', there still remains a misleading element to these messages. The problem is a trap that we all too easily fall into which lends an air of dismissiveness which fails to address the PARTICULAR illusionary nature of whatever 'thing' being referred to. Many of us in the 'West' have become enthralled, enamored, enraptured(pick your verb of choice) with the 'Eastern mystics' as if they've cornered the market on spirituality. I say beware, grasshoppers. This whole 'chakra-system' is simply an aspect of the containing matrix in the guise of being a working model for liberation to enlightenment. The spirit tricksters, with their alluring 'esoterica', are well aware of the emerging awakening of mankind and are out for their 'share of the spoils', if they can get them. That's why it's crucial that you 'keep a handle' on your bliss. The harvesters are desperate to maintain their vampiric grip on humanity. Whatever it takes, no venues are off limits, and when all is said and done, even Yogis will have proven to be unwitting co-conspirators(or is that con-spirit-ors?)

To me, the important thing to remember, amongst the disorientating, discombobulating experiences to come, is that a TRUE spiritual orientation realizes that it all comes down to love and imagination. Knowing God is to feel your joy, and in the changes that are imminent, the only frame of reference from which to experience that joy will be at what I call a 'point of bearing.' Where we have no particular 'embodiment', because that will all depend on an understanding which realizes our power of intent to imagine ourselves into whatever form of existence WE choose(physical or otherwise)

Love is the reality which makes engaging in the illusions of manifested existence possible. But first there's this little matter of a purge....

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